Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Olivia on the left, my nephew on the right.

for more photos go my 365 blog.

For more Wordless Wednesday go to Momdot!


Sara Bonds said... 1

Oh my word!! That is probably the cutest photo I have seen yet. Seriously.

Happy WW!

Brimful Curiosities said... 2

Got my smile for the day!

Angela Walker said... 3

Oh they are so going to love that picture later! ADORABLE!!

Gena said... 4

LOL that is too cute!

Alexandra said... 5

now that picture is fabulous!! I laughed the second your page popped up! :)

Maria@Conversations with Moms said... 6

Best photo of the day. LOL

Kimmie said... 7

ROFL! I love it!

My Wordless Wednesday

Claire said... 8

Ugh, it keeps not letting me comment ( hope this goes through) I LOVE this pic, OMG how precious!!

Ryans b-day is NEXT wed!!!!

Unknown said... 9

That is cute beyond words!

The Mud Bug said... 10

Pinchable baby butts. Adorable!

Brett Alexandra said... 11

love your blog!! found it through Divine Chaos. What cute little butts!

Joy said... 12

OMG! I love all those baby fat rolls. Nom, nom, nom!

That will be a picture memory that you will never want to hide!

Thanks for sharing and happy WW!

Staci A said... 13

Too cute! I'm sure those two make you laugh!

Melanie said... 14

look at those chunky buns! ha ha. My daughter was a skinny minny, so I can't relate but, I wanted a chubby baby ha ha. so cute. Great stuff to use on them later too

Marianna said... 15

LOL, that is great.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 16

Awesome!!! That is a fabulous capture!

Momstart said... 17

That is the funniest

Anonymous said... 18

that is the cutest thing i have seen all day!

DawnS said... 19

LOL that is just too cute!

Crystal Renee said... 20

WWO! That made me SMILE SOOOOOOOOOOO big! This is TOO cute..

McClure Family said... 21


loved it! their dimpled little bottoms! how sweet!!!

A Psych Mommy said... 22

How cute is that! Babies love to be naked!

Shasta said... 23

Oh my goodness! Just look at those little wrinkled baby butts!! Too cute!!

Eli's Lids said... 24

LOL! Doing housework naked...mmmmmmm... might get the hubby a bit more invloved.
Great shot!

Anonymous said... 25

You can tell they're using some muscles because their little butts are dimpled. That's a fabulous photo! Too funny!